We all lie.
To others...To ourselves...In bed...(haha, okay, omit that last one : D) This is serious.
The Dreamkiller, and most destructive of the aforementioned lies, is Self-deception. At some point in life we achieve, or adopt, a masters degree in the art of deceiving ourselves. Wow. You're one smooth operator. Not only do you tell the lies, but you're so good, even you believe'em!
Lets start it off with a Jay Electronica Quote:
"Dear God, Im a sick Muh-F***a.
I even fool myself.... Im a slick Muh-F***a!"
Heh. Okay. Im going in. Two sections of Self-Deception to cover....Ego Trippin...and Dreams!
Part 1. "Ego Trippin"
We all live in a protective shell...there's a grand canyon of a chasm that separates who we truly are, and who we think we are...? Confused? It's a defense mechanism. By only showing characteristics that we assume will be favorable to the world, we achieve a false sense of acceptance! And what a drug that is!!! Self-Deception! You can live off of it! And pretend to be happy! Possible depression may occur over time as a result of you ignoring the "check engine light" on your soul, but hey, you've got that superficial lifestyle to enjoy! No need to expose, and tackle those real life issues, right? Please note: Self-Deception high is only temporary, so you'll have to keep showing that fraudulent smile to achieve a lasting affect!
And oh, as long as you can maintain the image, you can be anything, or anyone you want! After all, if music videos have taught us anything, life is just a slow motion sequence of girls, swimming pools, and champagne....and you can have it all...just leave your "true self" at home, and audition for a part!
De La Soul calls this fake persona, Ego Trippin. Look it up!
Okay, so under all the many layers of deception, where does one's true personality escape too?
It's kept safe...hidden under a mask of anonymity...a buried treasure never to be seen by the world....but Hey! that's okay....you'll never have to worry about being judged for who you really are! You can just avoid it! Cool. And by doing so, you'll never grow!.........
Ahem. yeah, that's right, self-deception does have a few minor side-effects you'd probably like to ignore....Read the label! It says....You'll probably never be a dynamic individual, achieve your goals, or do anything groundbreaking,...but hey, you'll be complacent with your acceptable 9 to 5, never be judged or celebrated, live by the same mediocre standards as the rest of the world, annnd fit in! Who doesn't want that? I mean, you don't need anything else out of life, right? Let the smoke and mirrors resume!
(Okay, time to ditch the sarcastic tone, I think I've driven home the point : D) Besides, It gets much deeper...way beyond "ego trippin".
Part. 2 "Dreams"
So....if we have a true personality, why are we so scared to show What Lies Beneath? (Raising my hand) Fear and Failure. Yup, that's it! Fear that we will fail as an individual, and not receive the all-so-important approval of our peers. Fear of what life would be like if we bank on our dreams and they fail. It's much easier to lie to yourself, say it's impossible, and never try.....sigh.
In addition, we are forever pinned to the ground by the heavy(and imaginary) weight of the thought that we truly can't fly as high as we dream...Do you really believe that?? It seems we've deceived ourselves into believing this is true. It's self sabotage. With this attitude, you actually program your own failure.
Stop lying to yourself.
It's funny, we all start out as dreamers, but somewhere along the road our dreams get tucked into the pocket of unfulfilled destinies...never to see the light of day...All because we've convinced, no, deceived ourselves into believing our dreams are not possible. Beaten up by the trials and tribulations of life we tend to toss our dreams to the wayside. We walk around with our heads hung low, simply because we believe the very lie we told ourselves...that dreams aren't possible...And no excuses, the world didn't make us this way, it simply gave us a suggestion, and we ran with it. We hung the cloth over our own eyes, no wonder our dreams are no longer visible. We do it to ourselves... the greatest lie is told....by you, from you, and to you.
So when does the masquerade end and reality begin? How do we break the chain? See through the fog? Hmm.... Maybe when we fess up, accept who we truly are, and courageously show it, no matter what the world thinks.........Drop the facade! ..........
At least, that's my two cents.
I mean really, who are you kidding? Me...or you?
Keep it Authentic.